Well, my the first thing this video made me think was WHAT THE HELL, MAN!
I don't and shall never understand how people can eat bugs. It would have to be the only thing to eat on the ENTIRE planet and I would have to have been not eating for a few days before I would even CONSIDER eating bugs. I don't care if they are protein or whatever, it's just gross.
I don't even like to touch bugs, let alone EAT them.
Plus, there is NO WAY IN HELL that I would go to a fancy restaurant and PAY to EAT BUGS!
To me that's insanity.
It's just like no, dude, no.
It will never make sence to me, and that dude just saying that they are more abundant and there are so many different kinds of bugs on the planet doesn't make me want to eat them. Then when the dude ate bugs on the video... well, it wasn't bad enough to make me sick but it deffinately grossed me out A LOT!
Like I said I will nearly starve to death before I eat bugs. It would have to be my LAST RESORT (teehee I love that song)
So, that's about all I have to say on this subject. I've expressed my opinion and now I'm out of things to say.
Well, that's all for now, I guess
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Writing
Well, since I'm not really sure what to write, I guess I'll just talk more about my writing. I haven't really talked much about it, but I think I should because it's such a big part of my life and of me.
A few things you need to know:
1) I love to write
2) I want to be an author
3) I have an overactive imagination [which leads to #4]
4) I have a hard time finishing any of my books - I have OVER 40 books started and NONE finished.
I can't help it though, I have a hard time explaining why exactly that is, I don't even know for sure why, but it makes it really hard for me to be confident in my ability to become an author just because I simply CAN'T finish a story. I will start a story, be really into it, have tons of ideas, then as soon as I get a new idea, the old one gets put on the back burner and they tend to get forgotten about.
Then by the time I come back to them, I forget where I was going with it, or I hate what I have writen so much that I have to rewrite it and then I completely forget where I was going. It's kind of FAIL.
I have tried just to commit to a book but it's hard. I have to many ideas and they all come and go to fast. People have suggested that I try combining some of my stories, and I'll admit it's a good idea, it's just easier said than done.
It makes it hard for me to believe in my ability to become an author but I figure if I keep at it, SOMEDAY I will commit to a story and actually get published. I would love to be able to do it for a living but you know how that goes.
So oh well, if anyone has any advice feel free to give it. I'm open to suggestions.
I guess that's all for now. I'm sort of out of explinations. lol
A few things you need to know:
1) I love to write
2) I want to be an author
3) I have an overactive imagination [which leads to #4]
4) I have a hard time finishing any of my books - I have OVER 40 books started and NONE finished.
I can't help it though, I have a hard time explaining why exactly that is, I don't even know for sure why, but it makes it really hard for me to be confident in my ability to become an author just because I simply CAN'T finish a story. I will start a story, be really into it, have tons of ideas, then as soon as I get a new idea, the old one gets put on the back burner and they tend to get forgotten about.
Then by the time I come back to them, I forget where I was going with it, or I hate what I have writen so much that I have to rewrite it and then I completely forget where I was going. It's kind of FAIL.
I have tried just to commit to a book but it's hard. I have to many ideas and they all come and go to fast. People have suggested that I try combining some of my stories, and I'll admit it's a good idea, it's just easier said than done.
It makes it hard for me to believe in my ability to become an author but I figure if I keep at it, SOMEDAY I will commit to a story and actually get published. I would love to be able to do it for a living but you know how that goes.
So oh well, if anyone has any advice feel free to give it. I'm open to suggestions.
I guess that's all for now. I'm sort of out of explinations. lol
Monday, November 22, 2010
My Friends
First: The mushy sappy crap. lol My friends are my world. They are amazing and I love them so much. They mean so much to mean and I couldn't live without them. Most of the time I hate getting mushy like this but as the Holiday season gets closer and we get older, I'm reminded more and more of just how much they mean to me and how we may not all be together one day. It makes me sad and for that reason I hate talking about what's going to happen after high school. I can't imagine what I would do if I lost them.
It's 3 days till Thanksgiving and I just wanted to give thanks for my friends. I love you guys more than you will ever know.
Now, enough with the sappy mushy crap. lol
My friends are crazy, insane, hyper, silly, loveable, funny, amusing, intertaining, psycho, and over all WEIRD. But that's why I love them.
So, here they are:
There they are in all their random glory lol
I really wish i had more group pics and i really wish i had more pics of Chrissy but i don't actually have any pics I took with me at the moment so this is what you got lol ^_^ <3
It's 3 days till Thanksgiving and I just wanted to give thanks for my friends. I love you guys more than you will ever know.
Now, enough with the sappy mushy crap. lol
My friends are crazy, insane, hyper, silly, loveable, funny, amusing, intertaining, psycho, and over all WEIRD. But that's why I love them.
They drive me crazy and they get on my nerves sometimes though but that's bound to happen. I know I drive them a little crazy too sometimes and I know I drive them crazy just as much. I have known them for so long it's inevitable. But they are like family and that's why even when we want to kill eachother, deep down, we still love eachother. That's why we can respond "I love you, too." when we tell eachother "I hate you."
They are always there for me and they are the best friends anyone could ask for. So, here they are:
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From left to right: me (playing Veggie Samurai), Dei with Mountain Dew and Laney face-palming |
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Courtney |
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Chrissy and Jade at Brandi's 15th B-Day Party |
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Me when our group went to see Vampires Suck |
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Me, Dei, and Laney at Vampire's Suck |
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Dei and me |
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Chrissy and Jade |
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Brandi on Class Colors Day of Spirit Week |
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Dei and Jasmine on Little Kid Day (sorry it's blurry) |
I really wish i had more group pics and i really wish i had more pics of Chrissy but i don't actually have any pics I took with me at the moment so this is what you got lol ^_^ <3
Hypothetically Speaking
So some hypotheical questions were brought to my attention.
Such as:
What if Santa was a vampire?
If there is a pregnant Werewolf and she has the babies in Wolf form, would they be babies or puppies?
What if she was in her human form?
If a vampire and a werewolf have a kid together, what is it?
If vampires can't change/grow, why then, in some movies, when you cut off a limb, does it grow back?
If vampires can't change/grow, why then, can they have children in Vampire Knight?
(I have more but they arn't school appropriate) lol
OKAY, It's official. Hypotheticals make my head hurt. lol
There are just to many possibilities to contemplate without makeing my brain hurt. lol
Well, I don't really have much to say as far as this goes since I have to keep this 'school appropriate'. lol
Such as:
What if Santa was a vampire?
If there is a pregnant Werewolf and she has the babies in Wolf form, would they be babies or puppies?
What if she was in her human form?
If a vampire and a werewolf have a kid together, what is it?
If vampires can't change/grow, why then, in some movies, when you cut off a limb, does it grow back?
If vampires can't change/grow, why then, can they have children in Vampire Knight?
(I have more but they arn't school appropriate) lol
OKAY, It's official. Hypotheticals make my head hurt. lol
There are just to many possibilities to contemplate without makeing my brain hurt. lol
Well, I don't really have much to say as far as this goes since I have to keep this 'school appropriate'. lol
Friday, November 5, 2010
School Video
I have no freakin' clue what to say.
How do you respond to something you've never had to deal with?
I can't really say anything about just this but my grandpa does have Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson's Disease: In the normal brain, some nerve cells produce the chemical dopamine, which transmits signals within the brain to produce smooth movement of muscles. In Parkinson's patients, 80 percent or more of these dopamine-producing cells are damaged, dead, or otherwise degenerated. This causes the nerve cells to fire wildly, leaving patients unable to control their movements.Though full-blown Parkinson's can be crippling or disabling, experts say early symptoms of the disease may be so subtle and gradual that patients sometimes ignore them or attribute them to the effects of aging. Researchers suspect that genes associated with the late onset of Parkinson's Disease are susceptibility genes rather than causal genes. It is thought that environmental factors act on these gene, consequently leading to Parkinson's disease.
In the video we watched was about a kid with Prader-Willi Syndrome.
It occurs in males and females equally and in all races. The incidence of PWS is between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 25,000 live births.
PWS typically causes low muscle tone, short stature if not treated with growth hormone, incomplete sexual development, and a chronic feeling of hunger that, coupled with a metabolism that utilizes drastically fewer calories than normal, can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity.
~Peace &Love
How do you respond to something you've never had to deal with?
I can't really say anything about just this but my grandpa does have Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson's Disease: In the normal brain, some nerve cells produce the chemical dopamine, which transmits signals within the brain to produce smooth movement of muscles. In Parkinson's patients, 80 percent or more of these dopamine-producing cells are damaged, dead, or otherwise degenerated. This causes the nerve cells to fire wildly, leaving patients unable to control their movements.Though full-blown Parkinson's can be crippling or disabling, experts say early symptoms of the disease may be so subtle and gradual that patients sometimes ignore them or attribute them to the effects of aging. Researchers suspect that genes associated with the late onset of Parkinson's Disease are susceptibility genes rather than causal genes. It is thought that environmental factors act on these gene, consequently leading to Parkinson's disease.
In the video we watched was about a kid with Prader-Willi Syndrome.
It occurs in males and females equally and in all races. The incidence of PWS is between 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 25,000 live births.
PWS typically causes low muscle tone, short stature if not treated with growth hormone, incomplete sexual development, and a chronic feeling of hunger that, coupled with a metabolism that utilizes drastically fewer calories than normal, can lead to excessive eating and life-threatening obesity.
~Peace &Love
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Friends and Purple Day
Well.... random ranting!!!! lol
Okay so First I Want to Rant about my friends.
I love my friends SO MUCH! I couldn't live without them. They have made me who I am today and continue to change who I will be tomorrow. They mean so much to me and sometimes I get really emotional about it but when I do it's just because I get so afraid of losing them. They are such a huge part of my life and they mean the world to me. They are some of the most important people in my life.
Sometimes they get annoying, but everyone does, and even when they do, I still love them. The good times, as Laney said in her blog, outweigh the bad by A TON! by so much it's not even funny. No matter how annoying they will get I will always love them.
So yeah, um apparently tomorrow, 10/20/10, there has been organized a 'Wear Purple Day' to, i guess, pay respect to the recent suicides of gay teens. My friend Dei told me about it and she heard 'bout it on facebook so i don't know alot of details or whatever but yeah. So I'm gonna wear purple tomorow although on a funny note:
Who the hell decided on purple?! lol just wondering ^_^ but yeah I'm happy to support this cause i guess you could say, and if you read my blog called 'I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND' you will know why.
Okay so First I Want to Rant about my friends.
I love my friends SO MUCH! I couldn't live without them. They have made me who I am today and continue to change who I will be tomorrow. They mean so much to me and sometimes I get really emotional about it but when I do it's just because I get so afraid of losing them. They are such a huge part of my life and they mean the world to me. They are some of the most important people in my life.
Sometimes they get annoying, but everyone does, and even when they do, I still love them. The good times, as Laney said in her blog, outweigh the bad by A TON! by so much it's not even funny. No matter how annoying they will get I will always love them.
So yeah, um apparently tomorrow, 10/20/10, there has been organized a 'Wear Purple Day' to, i guess, pay respect to the recent suicides of gay teens. My friend Dei told me about it and she heard 'bout it on facebook so i don't know alot of details or whatever but yeah. So I'm gonna wear purple tomorow although on a funny note:
Who the hell decided on purple?! lol just wondering ^_^ but yeah I'm happy to support this cause i guess you could say, and if you read my blog called 'I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND' you will know why.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Recycling/Polution Video
Well, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say about the video. Pretty much anything you can say about it was either said in the video itself or is just a generic responce, which I hate giving.
Although I agree that recycling and polution is a problem, and Yes, we need to do something about it, but I don't agree that people should go freakin' insane about it.
There is no reason to flip out on people if they don't recycle. Now, I recycle at home and I try to recycle when I'm out somewhere if there is the option, but I also believe that with as much as I recycle, if I'm somewhere and can't, me throwing one bottle away will not KILL THE PLANET.
My ONE BOTTLE will not be the thing that causes a freakin' Apocalypse.
With recycling about 10 bottles to 1 thrown away I'M NOT GOING TO KILL THE PLANET! OKAY!!!!!
Yes, it's a big deal, but that doesn't give you a reason to go all psycho about it and stuff.
And yelling at someone and telling them it's stupid to not recycle and "You're killing the planet" doesn't make people want to recycle. Convice me, don't TELL me!!!! okay....... people don't like to be YELLED AT AND TOLD THEY HAVE TO DO SOMETHING "FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY"
You have to show them WHY they need to be doing it, make them understand and WANT to help otherwise nothing will get done!
So anyway.... I guess that's all I have to say.
Till Next Time!
Although I agree that recycling and polution is a problem, and Yes, we need to do something about it, but I don't agree that people should go freakin' insane about it.
There is no reason to flip out on people if they don't recycle. Now, I recycle at home and I try to recycle when I'm out somewhere if there is the option, but I also believe that with as much as I recycle, if I'm somewhere and can't, me throwing one bottle away will not KILL THE PLANET.
My ONE BOTTLE will not be the thing that causes a freakin' Apocalypse.
With recycling about 10 bottles to 1 thrown away I'M NOT GOING TO KILL THE PLANET! OKAY!!!!!
Yes, it's a big deal, but that doesn't give you a reason to go all psycho about it and stuff.
And yelling at someone and telling them it's stupid to not recycle and "You're killing the planet" doesn't make people want to recycle. Convice me, don't TELL me!!!! okay....... people don't like to be YELLED AT AND TOLD THEY HAVE TO DO SOMETHING "FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY"
You have to show them WHY they need to be doing it, make them understand and WANT to help otherwise nothing will get done!
So anyway.... I guess that's all I have to say.
Till Next Time!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I'm not really sure how to respond to that video...
All I can really say is that it depressed me greatly, to hear what he went through and that he lost all his old friends and his wife because he was just so different and depressed. I think it forces you to realize the effect that war has on everyone, whole countires and individual people alike.
It's greatly confusing to me, as mentioned in the movie, why we are taught growing up we should kill people and yet that seems to be how countries settle their problems. I realize sometimes it is needed, but War is over-used as a way to solve things, I think. The problem is things like that don't just change. If they do change they take many, many years and most of the time, they don't STAY changed. Oh, well.
I really have nothing else to add to this. I have nothing else to say about the video. It was quite repeditave so I think I have covered everything I wanted to... so yeah..
All I can really say is that it depressed me greatly, to hear what he went through and that he lost all his old friends and his wife because he was just so different and depressed. I think it forces you to realize the effect that war has on everyone, whole countires and individual people alike.
It's greatly confusing to me, as mentioned in the movie, why we are taught growing up we should kill people and yet that seems to be how countries settle their problems. I realize sometimes it is needed, but War is over-used as a way to solve things, I think. The problem is things like that don't just change. If they do change they take many, many years and most of the time, they don't STAY changed. Oh, well.
I really have nothing else to add to this. I have nothing else to say about the video. It was quite repeditave so I think I have covered everything I wanted to... so yeah..
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Why do people have to be so mean and hateful. I realize we don't have to do a post this week but i don't care. I need to talk about this.
It made me want to cry when i saw this on the news tonight.
Why are people so ignorant.
Just because a kid is gay doesn't give you the right to pick on him/her.
I just don't understand how people can be so cruel. That person they are picking on is exactly that A PERSON, ANOTHER LIVING, BREATHING, HUMAN BEING!
It pisses me off so much when people are this ignorant.
Now i realize that certain religions believe that being gay is wrong.
I don't agree with that but i respect other's religions. It's not my place to tell people their beliefs are wrong, but in todays society with so much about gay rights and everything i just don't understand how people can still be so hateful.
The news story was that a collage freshmen was picked on for being gay after some fellow classmates hid a camera in his room and live-streamed him 'with' another guy (if you know what i mean)... 3 days later on his face book he posted saying "Jumping off GW bridge sorry."
I'm dead serious i cried. I cried because no one diserves to feel so badly about who/how they are that they take their own life.
It made me want to cry when i saw this on the news tonight.
Why are people so ignorant.
Just because a kid is gay doesn't give you the right to pick on him/her.
I just don't understand how people can be so cruel. That person they are picking on is exactly that A PERSON, ANOTHER LIVING, BREATHING, HUMAN BEING!
It pisses me off so much when people are this ignorant.
Now i realize that certain religions believe that being gay is wrong.
I don't agree with that but i respect other's religions. It's not my place to tell people their beliefs are wrong, but in todays society with so much about gay rights and everything i just don't understand how people can still be so hateful.
The news story was that a collage freshmen was picked on for being gay after some fellow classmates hid a camera in his room and live-streamed him 'with' another guy (if you know what i mean)... 3 days later on his face book he posted saying "Jumping off GW bridge sorry."
I'm dead serious i cried. I cried because no one diserves to feel so badly about who/how they are that they take their own life.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
More Randomness! (with a little bit of cosplay)
Okay well, so yeah. I have nothing to write about really. So far the only thing I've talked about is my summer and I have offically run out of things to tell you about it. Nothing interesting has happend since school started, it's just typical high school crap. You know, get up early, got to school, try to stay awake through all you're classes, practically die of starvation before lunch every day, manage to live (lol), sit through more classes, do homework, go to bed and then get up the next day and do it all over again. Nothing super interesting. Sometimes I get to hang out with my friends on the weekends and I'm trying to figure out how to pay for cosplay when I have no job. *sigh* Why does cosplay have to be so expensive?! But yeah, so I really want to do some CMV's (Cospaly Music Videos) but idk if we will have the time. We ARE doing something for Halloween and then Christmas DEFFINATELY (whether the others like it or not) (lol) (love you guys) ^_^.
I'm hoping to do Death Note Halloween thing (I have plans and ideas lol) and then maybe Final Fantasy Christmas or something, not sure yet. But yeah so we'll see, I guess, but until then, nothing remotly interesting is probably gonna happen. Like I said, School is School, nothing real interesting there, except for the occasional Drama that arrises to which i refuse to be a part of unless it initially conserns me. Either way, I could live without it, I hate Drama, it's just so dramatic (lol ^_^) so yeah, anyway. Um... I'm not really sure what else to say here other than the fact that I'm offically running out of things to wright about on here and this is only my third blog that we haven't had a topic for ..... *sigh*. Unless something interesting happens like every week, I'm just going to have to find something stupid to ramble on about in these. Oh well, rambling can be fun too lol
So that's it for now.
Peace & Love,
I'm hoping to do Death Note Halloween thing (I have plans and ideas lol) and then maybe Final Fantasy Christmas or something, not sure yet. But yeah so we'll see, I guess, but until then, nothing remotly interesting is probably gonna happen. Like I said, School is School, nothing real interesting there, except for the occasional Drama that arrises to which i refuse to be a part of unless it initially conserns me. Either way, I could live without it, I hate Drama, it's just so dramatic (lol ^_^) so yeah, anyway. Um... I'm not really sure what else to say here other than the fact that I'm offically running out of things to wright about on here and this is only my third blog that we haven't had a topic for ..... *sigh*. Unless something interesting happens like every week, I'm just going to have to find something stupid to ramble on about in these. Oh well, rambling can be fun too lol
So that's it for now.
Peace & Love,
Monday, September 13, 2010
In Depth - Summer
Because I have nothing else to write about.
So, at the start of summer, I just sat around the house, jammin’ to my music and playing on my computer. I worked a little on some of my stories and I got my hair cut so that it was shorter and looks like it does now. Me, Kiri, and Kita (a.k.a. me, dei, and laney) went to the mall with BVB [Black Veil Brides] make-up and got strange looks, which was the entire point ^_^ YAY! lol unfortunately I don’t have any pics of it but oh well. So, then in the first couple weeks of July I went to Brandi’s B-Day party (which is a week before mine) and saw Dei, Chrissy, Mark, Jade, and Jasmine there. It was awesome and fun and random because we are all so full of randomness that almost everything we do seems random. lol
And I attended my cousins Graduation party
Then July 22-29, Rein, Kita and I (Chrissy, Alanna and I) were in Florida with my Dad. We went to Metrocon [July 23-25] in Tampa and then spend 3 days in Orlando. On the way down to Florida (in Georgia where we stoped for the night) there was Exit 18 (which is now infamous amoung the three of us) because on Exit 18 there were alcohol stores and bars and other things that made us joke about how “It would be so much more fun than our exit.” (Exit 16) and so then we just kept that joke going the entire time.
One of the days in Orlando we went to Universal Studios: Harry Potter Park. It was fun but REALLY REALLY hot and so we were all dying and I was an idiot and wore a long sleeved black shirt… in Florida…. in the summer….. *sigh*.
So yeah that’s pretty much it, for now. I promise next time I will talk about something other than my summer. lol ^_^
So, at the start of summer, I just sat around the house, jammin’ to my music and playing on my computer. I worked a little on some of my stories and I got my hair cut so that it was shorter and looks like it does now. Me, Kiri, and Kita (a.k.a. me, dei, and laney) went to the mall with BVB [Black Veil Brides] make-up and got strange looks, which was the entire point ^_^ YAY! lol unfortunately I don’t have any pics of it but oh well. So, then in the first couple weeks of July I went to Brandi’s B-Day party (which is a week before mine) and saw Dei, Chrissy, Mark, Jade, and Jasmine there. It was awesome and fun and random because we are all so full of randomness that almost everything we do seems random. lol
And I attended my cousins Graduation party
Then July 22-29, Rein, Kita and I (Chrissy, Alanna and I) were in Florida with my Dad. We went to Metrocon [July 23-25] in Tampa and then spend 3 days in Orlando. On the way down to Florida (in Georgia where we stoped for the night) there was Exit 18 (which is now infamous amoung the three of us) because on Exit 18 there were alcohol stores and bars and other things that made us joke about how “It would be so much more fun than our exit.” (Exit 16) and so then we just kept that joke going the entire time.
One of the days in Orlando we went to Universal Studios: Harry Potter Park. It was fun but REALLY REALLY hot and so we were all dying and I was an idiot and wore a long sleeved black shirt… in Florida…. in the summer….. *sigh*.
So yeah that’s pretty much it, for now. I promise next time I will talk about something other than my summer. lol ^_^
Monday, September 6, 2010
Doll Face
Well, about Doll Face. Personally, I sort of looked at is as like a metaphor of society and how we are almost expected to change just to conform to what we see on television and in magazines. It made me think about how we, especially girls, are made to feel like we are never good enough and if that if we don’t look like the models on TV or in magazines then we are not pretty or cool. We are made to feel like we have to keep changing to look like others so that we can be acknowledged and so that we feel like we fit in. Society had implanted this crazy idea in our heads that we have to try to ‘kill’ ourselves just to be pretty or beautiful or cool or popular. They make us think we have to be perfect, which is impossible, so when we can’t obtain it, it can cause us to actually kill ourselves with stress by attempting to obtain what is unobtainable. Striving and stressing over something you cannot achieve can be unhealthy but they still pressure us to look ‘perfect’ and they try to tell us we can’t be perfect unless we buy things from them or something along those lines.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Well, I’m not really sure what to put here so just quick synopsis of my summer, I guess.
From left to right: Kita, me, Rein |
I went to Metrocon in Florida in July which was AMAZING! I absolutely loved it and I was fangirl-ing like the ENTIRE time. So yeah. Um….. *thinks* we worked on cosplay and stuff this summer, oh, and I worked on writing one of my many books, although I haven’t gotten very far because of stupid writers block, grrrr. So yeah this is pretty much all of my randomness.
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