Thursday, April 28, 2011

... WOW.... This sucks!

Well, okay then, this totally sucks. The computers at my school are so freakin' slow that I can't even work on the stuff I'm supposed to be working on and it's hard for me to type on this keyboard because the keys stick or don't press down when I hit them. It's freakin' annoying....

I'm just going to do all of it at home, because what's the point in doing something here when it's going to be stupid anyway and either not let me save or only let me do half the stuff because it refuses to load properly.
If I'm being forced to do it, I'm at least going to put some effort into it and not half-ass it.
*shrugs* I'm it has to be done why not make it something I'm at least a little proud of.

So, now... I guess I really have nothing else to do, because technically I'm not even supposed to be doing this right now, you know! I'm supposed to be working on my Animated Cartoon or my Research Paper. But 1) I'm too lazy and I don't feel like doing my Research Paper right now and 2) the computer is too stupid to allow me to do my Animated Cartoon!

GAH!!!!! I HATE THESE COMPUTERS!!! I'm just going to wait till I get home I guess when I can get on my laptop and it is actually competent! O_O

OH MY GOD!!! okay well my first computer I tried to get on today didn't work so I had to move from my line of friends and now I'm sitting next to a nice person and a really annoying person on the other side of them... dear lord they need to shut up!

But anyway it doesn't matter I guess, well it sort of does but I'll live! ^_^ lolz

So yeah.... that's all I really have to say today since I'm just killing time...


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!

Why does school have to expect so much out of you? There isn't anything wrong with challenging the students, but teachers need to realize that we have lives outside of school as well as homework from other classes! They seem to think their class is the only one we have homework in and it's freakin' stupid! It's annoying, and it's simply untrue. Like, for example, just last night, I spend like freakin' 3 hours on French homework which she didn't even collect!!!! I'm going to turn it into her anyway on my way to 3rd period. I worked way too hard on that to forget about it and not turn it in!!! I also had Chem and I had to work on my project for Health which, by the way, out of our group of 5 people, only 3 actually do their work, and only 2 of them (being Me and my friend, SaBrina), do the majority of the work. It's PURE INSANITY!!!

With only 6 weeks left of school, at this point, you would think things would be slowing down if not at least staying the same, not speeding up! The problem is teachers finally figured out they are running out of time to teach us everything they wanted too, because they wasted too much time trying to get kids to shut up and pay attention! It's freakin' stupid, and unfair to those of us that have been working hard all year, and now are completely swamped as well as not having enough time in classes like French where we only get two days to learn an entire section of vocab! I know that since that's the case I need to study more, but it's not fair!!!! I don't have enough time to do everything! Between all my other homework and then the projects and everything else I don't freakin' have time to do all of it!!! I can't TAKE IT!!!!

It's so not fair!!!!!!! But anyway..... I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it for 6 more weeks!!! I really home the teachers get their sanity back over the summer... I won't be able to take it if they're like this again next year!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Have Noting To Write About

Well, as the title clearly states I have absloutley nothing to write about. I have nothing to say, nothing new has happend other than we just got back this week from Spring Break and it's been kind of chaotic with all the homework and stuff. I think some of the teachers have gone insane or something because of what they are expecting from us now. It's insanity. I don't know, man.

But yeah... okay so I just had to streach just to get that out... now I'm out of ideas again. I don't want to just rant about anime or anything 'cause I'm sure that would get boring after a while since even if I did, most people would still have absolutley NO idea what I was talking about. And I have no way to describe anime to someone, I just can't, I don't know how. But for the record: cartoons ARE NOT the same thing as anime. Yes some cartoons are anime, and some anime are cartoons but for the most part, cartoons are like what little kids watch on saturday mornings. Anime tends to be the shows targeted more toward teens. Like Naruto, Hetalia, (etc.) because there are alot more violence/slightly mature topics (etc.) like that in them. Sure younger kids probably watch some of them becuase some arn't that bad, and I will admit that I watch cartoons still *shrugs* so what, they're funny as hell! ^_^ <3 lolz
but yeah... so well... I think that covers my ranting pretty well
That's all for now


Saturday, April 2, 2011

BLAHHHHHH!!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

Yet another blog post and still nothing to say. I've been flipping between fandom's today [Harry Potter to Hetalia and back and forth]. I finally decided I feel more like Gilbert (Prussia) than Draco today, so yeah, I've been watching Hetalia videos on YouTube all day. I have nothing better to do.

I'm bored and this is pointlessly stupid. I have nothing to say, I had to try really hard to just get that much and it was lame..... since when does anybody care about my inner-mind fandom itentity crisis thingys that I have like every other day lolz.
No I'm not crazy, at least not officially or like that anyway...

So yeah, I agree with Laney's blog except for the fact that after this year, I will probably create a Cosplay-Specific Blog and just update about cosplay stuff or something.... IDK... alot of other cosplayers have bloggers so I guess it's a good way to get stuff like Con Information out to people or whatever IDK....

I'm still bored, and I guess that's all I have to say for now...
