Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Writing

Well, since I'm not really sure what to write, I guess I'll just talk more about my writing. I haven't really talked much about it, but I think I should because it's such a big part of my life and of me.
A few things you need to know:
1) I love to write
2) I want to be an author
3) I have an overactive imagination [which leads to #4]
4) I have a hard time finishing any of my books - I have OVER 40 books started and NONE finished.

I can't help it though, I have a hard time explaining why exactly that is, I don't even know for sure why, but it makes it really hard for me to be confident in my ability to become an author just because I simply CAN'T finish a story. I will start a story, be really into it, have tons of ideas, then as soon as I get a new idea, the old one gets put on the back burner and they tend to get forgotten about.

Then by the time I come back to them, I forget where I was going with it, or I hate what I have writen so much that I have to rewrite it and then I completely forget where I was going. It's kind of FAIL.

I have tried just to commit to a book but it's hard. I have to many ideas and they all come and go to fast. People have suggested that I try combining some of my stories, and I'll admit it's a good idea, it's just easier said than done.

It makes it hard for me to believe in my ability to become an author but I figure if I keep at it, SOMEDAY I will commit to a story and actually get published. I would love to be able to do it for a living but you know how that goes.

So oh well, if anyone has any advice feel free to give it. I'm open to suggestions.

I guess that's all for now. I'm sort of out of explinations. lol



  1. I have the same problem! I write a story but struggle to finish it. I guess that's another similarity that makes us friends :) RAWR! (In a non creepy way lol)

  2. yup ^_^ <3 and rawr back in a non creepy way lolz
