Thursday, May 26, 2011


~Inspired by Mells' Post on Religion (Dei's)~

Okay so Mells' Post got me thinking... and Ranting lolz. So this is the comment I left on her post
"I just stopped telling people if I was asked because all though TECHNICALLY I'm a christian - i DON'T support ORGANIZED RELIGION because of the hypocrisy that you're talking about. I accept anyone's religion, just because it's not the same view as mine and I might not agree with it isn't a reason to hate them, just accept that they are different, and move on. You're one of my best friends, Dei, and do I care that you're wiccan? No. Because it's your choice. Who am I to tell someone their wrong about what they believe. If we were all meant to believe in the same "God" then there wouldn't be more than one religion to chose from.
And about the church thing... that's THE MAIN reason I REFUSE to go to church because like I said they are all a bunch of hypocrites
and here's the rest of my rant...

How can you tell me that your God is a loving God if he excludes people. How can you tell me that, no matter what I do, God loves me and then tell me that just because of something so innocent such as being gay, that now I'm gonna go to hell. How can you tell me that it's wrong of me to love someone just because we're the same gender. Or that I'm wrong because I don't believe in the same religion as you. How can justify hating someone based souly on something that isn't really any of your business to be trying to change. It's NOT YOUR DESICION IT'S THEIRS. It's NOT YOUR PLACE TO TRY TO CONVERT PEOPLE. All that does is piss people off and offend them then make them not want to convert even more because they don't want to do to others what you're doing to them. WHY DOES NO ONE GET THAT! *sigh*

Why does it matter to you what religion I am? Or weather I'm gay or not? Or where I'm from? (since apparently that one church hate's australians) Or what color my skin is? (just general rascism because, let's face it, it still exists)
But this is my point, it's SHOULDN'T MATTER to you. All that should matter is weather or not they are a good person.

Don't tell me I'm going to go to hell when you yourself do the same shit and then you just "ask for forgivness" and then it's all good. NO! THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. You can't preach to me about how much of a sinner I am and how I'm going to go to hell but then tell me that if I ask for forgivness from YOUR GOD then I'll be saved and go to Heaven.

If you're god is really that forgiving. He'll forgive me anyway, besides why do I care. If I'm gonna go to hell for being who I am, then oh well. It's warmer down there anyway.

Besides, it's not like you know, no one knows what God wants, and I'm sorry but they don't. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but if you go by EVERYTHING in the bible - you're getting played. Because over the thousand upon thousand of years that the bible has been around, PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED IT.  They change it to fit their own ideals or because they want people to blindly follow them without questioning why. You have to be able to think for yourself and decide what YOU think is right. You can't just blindly follow what religious figures tell you to do and then try to PREACH to ME about how I'm wrong because I can think for myself. It's not right. It's not moral and it's not just.

Just like with the religious persecution of homosexuals. Kids, Teens, Young Adults, and even Adults have commited suicide because of how they were treated for being Gay. That's not right. It shouldn't be okay to torment someone simply because they don't live their life how you feel they should. IT'S NOT YOUR RIGHT TO DECIDE HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE. IT'S THEIR CHOICE AND YOU SHOULD RESPECT THAT. Weather you agree with it or not is not the point. Do I agree with everything in other religion? NO. I DON'T. But I don't treat people any differently because of that.


Now I'm sorry if I offended anyone but this is how I feel and what I think and it's not your place to tell me weather I'm right or wrong. You can have your opinion and you can voice it but do it without telling me I'm crazy or on crack or whatever and that I'm wrong and I'm going to go to hell if I don't find (insert god here) and have my soul saved or whatever. Because you know what, maybe I don't wanna be saved. Did you ever think of that? No you didn't because you're too busy worrying about my life and my beliefs.

So yeah... feel free to voice your opinion but keep it nice and keep it understanding. DO NOT TELL SOMEONE THEY'RE WRONG. Because to them they're right and you're the one who's wrong. It's all perspective. To be able to understand you have to be able to look form their Point Of View and if you can't do that, and you want to preach about how you're right and everyone else is going to go to hell, then I'm sorry but I don't want to hear it. I've heard enought of it already, I don't need more.

Again, sorry if I offended anyone, I really don't mean too, but this is my opinion, weather you like it or not.



  1. At my church, we believe in making sure that everyone knows their options. While we would love for people to find God, it is entirely their choice. We make sure that you know that you have the choice to follow our religion if you want... and there's what it is. From there it's the person's choice. Also, how those freaks from Westboro church can call themselves Christians is BEYOND ME. Love Always! <3

  2. yeah, see that I am entirely okay with. It's like inviting people to the religion instead of trying to FORCE them to join. And IKR... it makes no sense to me... lolz
    Lovez ya Brandi <3
    ~Always Do <3 lolz~
