Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well..... I'm super bored. I finished my research paper introduction last night 'cause I didn't want to have to attempt to do the entire thing in class. So.... now I have really nothing to do other than this and I don't even know what to write. *dramatic pause*
Well..........It's really cold in here... lolz.... why does the stupid computer lab have to be cold all the time... okay well I know why (to keep the computers from overheating) but STILL!!!!!

Um..... well I recently started reading The Hunger Games (class book) which I am only about 1/4 of the way threw the book and I already have a notebook and a poster in merch. lolz. It's a good book so far, and my friend Brandi couldn't put it down, she's on book 3 already....

I also started Witch & Wizard: The Gift  over the weekend when I got it from the bookstore. So now I just need to finish like the last 10 pgs of True Talents so that I don't confuse myself too much by trying to read 4 different books at the same time. I am also reading The Dragon Heir as just a like 'at home' book type thing so yeah 4 books total and I will go insane so thankfully I'm almost done with True Talents which made me have flailing arms of DOOM a grand total of like 6 times and that ALOT for one book. ^_^ YAYZ!!! but yeah.. It's a really good book.
So anyway...that's it for this section

I recently discovered I like You're Going Down by Sick Puppies and I'm such a dork that I downloaded 4 songs from Phineas and Ferb (you know that cartoon show which is AWESOME and HILARIOUS by the way lolz) on iTunes because I'm just that much of a nerd lolz. ^_^ but proud of it!
So yeah.... I also recently got Cold War Transmissions by Anberlin cuase its an awesome song lolz.
Well, that's really all for that part since i find most of my new music on YouTube from cosplay videos cuase like I said I'm just that much of a dork/nerd person lolz.

OMG I DON'T WANT THE OGT'S TO BE SO CLOSE!!!!! I'M A TAD FREAKED OUT!!!! OMG!!!! but at the same time I'm not really all that freaked out because the only thing that I think is gonna be a problem is Social Studies because THEY TEST US ON THINGS WE HAVENT EVEN LEARNED YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS THAT FAIR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Other News
Well... I think I might be getting sick but IDK cuase you know... it's hard to tell.... so yeah... it could just be that I don't feel good but yesterday and today i've sorta been out of it and i felt really crappy yesterday and so far i'm just REALLY hungry right now - it's only 2nd period and I have to wait till 6th period for lunch... I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so yeah...... I think that's it cause there isn't really any cosplay news for right now or anything so yeah....


1 comment:

  1. Lol, it's me...your nerdy book friend who is on book three already ;) Anyhoo, I don't think you should stress too much over OGTs. From what I've heard, we have covered everything on the test except government (the only other social studies class we're required to take). And, honestly, as long as you know how our government works (which I know you do) you should be completely fine.
