Thursday, June 23, 2011

AHHHHH! NEEDLES!!! ...... After The Dentist

Okay, so I just got back from the dentist. I had two little notches like ledges on two of my teeth from where my braces pulled of part of the enamel when they took them off. Not a big deal though, apparently it's pretty common. So even though I haven't had cavities before and don't have them there now, they wanted to fill them into just to protect them and make sure that I don't get them there in the future.
So I was okay with it until I got there and THEY HAD TO GIVE ME A SHOT. They had to numb that side of my mouth, so the entire left side of my mouth and tongue are STILL numb. BUT, with my fear of needles as soon as they told me it involved a needle I freaked out and cried a little, which caused my mom to cry a little and we almost had the hygienist lady crying lolz. [My mom actually bailed on taking me to the doctors yesterday because I have to get shots and she knew I was gonna cry and didn't want to do it and then I still ended up crying at this one lolz)
After that they had to kinda drill at part of the side of it to like make it rough so the stuff would stick so I could SEE PIECES OF MY TEETH FLYING OUT OF MY MOUTH. So I was like, yeeeeaaahhhhh and closed my eyes lolz. But after having braces, the rest of it was pretty routine by now, so it wasn't a big deal.
After the needle and the drill it was just basic done-this-all-before-with-braces stuff so yeah, not a huge deal...
since I'm still numb and wouldn't be able to tell if I was biting my lip or tongue, I'm not allowed to eat until the numbness wears off and I'm already hungry.... *sigh*

So yeah, I guess I'll suffer through the hunger lolz <3


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