Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!

Why does school have to expect so much out of you? There isn't anything wrong with challenging the students, but teachers need to realize that we have lives outside of school as well as homework from other classes! They seem to think their class is the only one we have homework in and it's freakin' stupid! It's annoying, and it's simply untrue. Like, for example, just last night, I spend like freakin' 3 hours on French homework which she didn't even collect!!!! I'm going to turn it into her anyway on my way to 3rd period. I worked way too hard on that to forget about it and not turn it in!!! I also had Chem and I had to work on my project for Health which, by the way, out of our group of 5 people, only 3 actually do their work, and only 2 of them (being Me and my friend, SaBrina), do the majority of the work. It's PURE INSANITY!!!

With only 6 weeks left of school, at this point, you would think things would be slowing down if not at least staying the same, not speeding up! The problem is teachers finally figured out they are running out of time to teach us everything they wanted too, because they wasted too much time trying to get kids to shut up and pay attention! It's freakin' stupid, and unfair to those of us that have been working hard all year, and now are completely swamped as well as not having enough time in classes like French where we only get two days to learn an entire section of vocab! I know that since that's the case I need to study more, but it's not fair!!!! I don't have enough time to do everything! Between all my other homework and then the projects and everything else I don't freakin' have time to do all of it!!! I can't TAKE IT!!!!

It's so not fair!!!!!!! But anyway..... I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it for 6 more weeks!!! I really home the teachers get their sanity back over the summer... I won't be able to take it if they're like this again next year!


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