Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Death In The Family

I just found out that apparently my dad's cousin, my Uncle Danny was found dead in his garage of a heart attack. He was only in his 50's never smoked and was in pretty good health considering he was a racecar driver for many years.
I comes as a big shock to everyone and he will be missed. My grandpa will probably be taking it harder than most other people in the family and the next few weeks are probably going to suck a lot.
I wasn't real close to him but he was a good man and he was always so nice.
I think it just happend earlier today so we don't have any details as to the funeral or anything yet.
This is the first death in the family that I've been old enough to remember or possibly been alive for because I don't remember how old I was or if I was even born when my mom's grandma passed away.

It's always sad to lose someone, expecially so unexpectedly.

And what's even worse is that today is my Grandma's birthday.
Well, that's all I have to say.



  1. Why is it eveyone seems to either be dead or on the verge of death? I'm sorry Bre.
