Wednesday, February 9, 2011

BLAHHHHHHHHH! Random Ranting and Shinanigans

Well, I'm not sure what to write about! I'm running out of things to talk about, like seriously, my life is fairly boring. lol I can't write every week, I have nothing to write about. .........
It doesn't help that I'm tired. Plus, it doesn't really help either that lately we've been watching a really crapy romance movie in French class which I have 1st period, by the way. I ABSOLUTELY HATE ROMANCE MOVIES. They make me gag. They are so stupid and mushy and I just want to punch someone in the face when I'm forced to watch them. Real life doesn't happen like that, okay, I'm sorry it just doesn't. The guy doesn't always get the girl of his dreams, the girl deosn't always meet her "Prince Charming".
It. Just. Doesn't. Happen.
(now that's not to say that it can't but it just doesn't happen to everyone 100% of the time)

I'm sorry even if there is romance in a movie there needs to be SOME TYPE OF ACTION.
Explosions or people dying or whatever but SOMETHING more realistic and more entertaining than just watching people make out and then get pissed, leave, just to come back again. It's pointless and stupid and a waste of my time.

But it does beat starting Chap 5 in French. lolz
So I guess I'll suffer threw it. idk.... but anyway that was my little rant about romance movies..... (which are pointless)

But yeah, I'm a girl and I would much rather watch someone get their head choped off or watch them get blown to peices by like a bomb or something than watch a freakin' chick flick.
Ex) I would rather watch Lord of the Rings or Resident Evil than...(i think it's "Eat. Pray.Love") or some crap like that.

Now that's not to say that I want to watch realistic movies, cause I don't. My favorite kind of movies and literature are fantasy,
It's just that I feel like if you watch those movies it's like an extension of the LIE we're fed when we're little (from those Disney Princess movies) (which don't get me wrong I love Disney movies I'm just saying it starts young) that every girl will find her "Prince" and they'll "ride off into the sun set and live happily every after" when that JUST. DOESN'T. HAPPEN.
(like i said, I'm not saying it can't happen I just feel like they are lying to us when they basically tell us it happens 100% of the time.)

So anyway that's that, I guess.

So yeah, In other news, I finally got some pictures from Ohayocon '11 posted on my dA.
I still never uploaded Metrocon photos I think so I'll do that this weekend or something. I kept meaning to and I just never got around to it but I promise I will. Not that we have a lot. We never end up with THAT many pictures from the con because we are fairly shy when it comes to asking people for pictures, well it's more just me but them too even if they won't admit it.
I always feel like I'm inturupting a conversation or something and then I feel bad, idk, I'm also just really shy like if I don't know you. If I know you I'm not shy at all but if I'm not with my friends or if I have to talk to someone I don't know expecially at a con where I'm like "they're totally awesome" I get even shyer (is that even a word... idk oh well)

But yeah, so and we also don't have any pictures of us. We never take any pictures of ourselves for some reason unles it's like with other people which we didn't even do this year, like we took pictures with other people it was just always them who asked and it was always their camera and stuff so yeah... but anyway it was still a ton of fun and like I said I will be posting the Metrocon photos (half-a-year later) lolz

Oh, well, I'm easily distracted and lazy *shrugs* lolz
Well, that's all for now.
