Well, hey guys, how's it goin'?
So I'm not really sure what to write about here since not a whole lot of people even see this blog (lolz), and the people I do I'm sitting in class with right now. *pokes Dei* *whispers to her* I'm sitting next to you (LOLZ)
So anyway I'm bored and we have to write a blog for tomorow but I forgot to put my research paper on my flashdrive so I can't really work on it, so I have to kill an entire period by writing this blog and finding something else productive to do. *rolls eyes* yeah, like that'll happen. *sigh* so anyway.... So yeah, even though this is due tomorow, I'm writing it today, although I may end up having to write one tomorow too. So yeah.... IDK what to talk about.... I have nothing.....
Oh so yeah, I'm sick, apparently and yesterday morning, I was in a hurry to get to school 'cause I thought I was going to be late, so my dad just grabed the cold medicine and gave it to me. Well turns out it's the nighttime kind. So yeah, I was litterally falling asleep in French (first period) yesterday. We didn't figure out that it was the nighttime kind until I came home. I slept from about 11 am to 2 pm yesterday after my dad came and picked me up from school.
Do you even realize how badly it messes with your head when you wake up and your eyes are trying (and failing) to focus on you're paper and it's entirely in french!!!! NOT FUN, MAN!
But yeah, so that was... interesting.... lolz.
I've never had that happen before but I was, like, seriously (in Madame's words) "drugged up". teehee.
I was falling asleep and my friend Brandi said to me-2nd period - "You're either really tired or really high."
It was pretty funny, or at least it was after I woke up. teehee. Atleast I remember everything though. *sigh*
So yeah, we got me some daytime medicine for this morning and if you add the normal amount of sleep I get every night, which I got last night, on top of the 3 or so hours I slept during the day yesterday and DUDE! I AM AWAKE!
I haven't been this awake (during the school year) in a LONG time, and I gotta say, It's pretty nice! lolz but unfortunately unless I take the nighttime stuff I really don't think I'll be getting that much sleep again for a while. Atleast not until school's out.
WHICH, BY THE WAY, is in like 4 weeks. Technically its only 3 more weeks starting monday but then we have the 3 extra days where we have to come in for exams *rolls eyes* so you know... *sigh* yeah....
well... I'm not really sure that I have much else to talk about..... Um...... yeah.......
Well, okay we'll talk about my randomness. teehee
Okay so I've been on this Harry Potter kick lately, like serious HP-ness, and I'm not really sure why...? But either way, It kind of amuses me. teehee. I've been watching the movies before I go to bed, and I'm always wearing my Slytherin hoodie and my school bookbag is a Slytherin bag so you know, I'm pretty decked out in Slytherin-wear.
I love Gryffindor too, don't get me wrong, there's just something about Slytherin that intriges and interests me.
If I have to do another blog tomorow, then I'll do a blog explaining my love for the different houses and what not and basically just a harry potter rant. ^_^ <3
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