Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well it's Day 2 of Semester Exams and so far it's going pretty good. I get to leave school early today, like really early- 11:15 am. And school starts at 8 am. ^_^ lolz

Day 1: was French (first period = first exam btw) [I can barely speak English that early in the morning]; Gym II [which was litterally the exact same test from Gym I, but atleast it was easy] (I knew I could pass it lol); and US History in which I got a B - 85% ^_^ yayz!

Day 2: right now it's the first exam of today which is English. It was easy. *shrugs* next I have Chemistry with Dei which isn't really a semester exam cause he thinks that its mean to make us take a test over 18 weeks of material, so he gives us a test each 6 weeks and then adds the three together to get our semester exam (same with finals) so it will be a peace of cake. ^_^ <3 Then I get to leave since the last exam period to day is my study hall. YAY!!!

Day 3: I only have one exam tomorrow technically but I have to stay through the second one because my grandparents can't get me that early. *shrugs* oh well. But tomorrow I have Geometry o_O and then the next exam period is my lunch so I just get to sit in the Cafeteria and do nothing but oh well I can work on my stories. But then I get to leave, again at 11:15 tomorrow too YAYZ!!!!!!!!!!

Okay well that's all for now I guess I just wanted to update and shinanigens (sp?) lolz


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